terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Best Trip

Now I see how happy we can be with little things. My baby boy teach me thinghs like that day by day and even sometimes I want run away from him because he is a kind of nervous,restless and childish Ii guess I'll never really want leave him cause already love him so much.
Maybe all this situation is completely wrong but we are connected and nobody likes be appart after be so in love.
I never know what do.
September starts so awesome, I'm in love again, realizing how dreamer I am and how I can be happy and make my baby happy.
All I want, be with him now and ever...

quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

Just Us

She is at home now, but time is going on and she doesnt know what do about some questions in her life.
Sometimes, all she need is run, yes, run away from here and let every hard choice and her troubles behind.
But we can't run from our life, even it means suffer or make somebody loved suffer together, until everything be solved.
I dont know what I'm doing, Im fraking crazy.  

He is now in her life, changing her cold heart, teaching so much about feelings and personal dedication but she feels like a stranger to him and how fix it - she doesnt know,.
The only way is - carpe diem. Stay together until you can.
Love, respect and patience - it's all you need to stay fine and grow.
..til death do us part

I hope so <3

terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2013

For Tomorrow's Dream

Respirar fundo e ter bastante equilíbrio...
E tudo o que você deseja vai se realizar, acredite, tenha foco e realmente acredite mas sobretudo se esforçe, ignore as críticas que não te deixam sair nunca do lugar.
Mesmo que pareça pouco, mesmo que pareça distante dê sempre o seu  melhor.

' Um passo a frente e você não está mais no mesmo lugar  

A vida traz sempre muitas surpresas, boas e também ruins (pra quem sabe enxergar) porém a vida não nos dá certezas, as vezes simplesmente temos que arriscar e pronto.
Certo ou errado? Tem coisas que nem o tempo ajuda a mostrar as respostas.
E em certos momentos, a dúvida é de fato uma incrível benção...

domingo, 24 de março de 2013


(...) ' Sometimes,all that she wish inside herself is disappear. Love hurts,we know,but can someone forget the scars of your own memory??
Sad,but true.
She is dying alone and realized about your life,every mistake, every tear this week made she feel like Emily Fields,who no one understand or think about her feelings.

Run away isn't the right choice but look so appropriate now...
Dry your eyes, baby...You deserve a constelation and I still dare keep you, I still dare keep you with me. '
Missing Ana, but maybe she is tired about this poor little girl who not always see herself like a real complete woman
...There are too many reasons,but why talk about it ?? It doesn't make any difference darling..
Come on baby, dry your eyes..Believe in yourself,because you know,even you're not sure about it,but you really have what it takes.

So go for what u want and never let nobody take you down.'

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

This is The Moment,This is It

É intenso como aquele dia típico em que se acorda com vontade de sumir,..Contudo, com a mesma frequência ou no mínimo com a mesma intensidade,também ocorrem os dias em que se percebe uma paixão por si mesmo,pela vida,pelo outro..Vontade de fazer tudo,consertar enganos,refazer planos,encontrar os devidos meios ou enxergar os exatos fins.
Viver é isso. Oportunidades a cada dia, a cada passo,um pensamento e uma escolha - defina quem você é.